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Preparing Yourself for Radiation Therapy Side Effects

Radiation oncology.

Most people will admit that they like to be prepared for whatever they are about to encounter. Knowing what to expect reduces anxiety and let’s face it, fear. Radiation therapy is certainly no exception and is something you should be thoroughly informed about before it begins. Preparing yourself for radiation therapy side effects is necessary and worthwhile.

What Is the Purpose of Radiation Therapy?

The goal of radiation therapy is to treat the cancer while harming as few healthy cells as possible. It uses intense energy beams to kill cancer cells. Modern methods are precise, as the beams directly aim at the cancer while protecting healthy cells around the cancer from doses of radiation.Radiation therapy damages cells by destroying the genetic material. This controls how cells grow and divide. Although healthy cells may be damaged along with the cancer cells, they can repair themselves more easily.Radiation therapy may be used:

  • As the only treatment or primary treatmentBefore surgery to shrink the cancerAfter surgery to stop the growth of any remaining cellsWith other treatments like chemotherapyTo relieve symptoms caused by advanced cancer
  • Common Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

Fatigue is the most common side effect of radiation regardless of the area of your body being treated. Other common ones are hair loss, skin changes, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. There are others depending on the treatment area.Being prepared for these side effects and others can make the treatment time less stressful.How exactly can you manage that? The first thing you can do for yourself is to stop smoking. If you continue to smoke, it can negatively affect the results of radiation.

Tips to Cope With Radiation Side Effects

There are ways to feel more in control of your health during this stressful time either ahead of time or during treatment.

Get Home Life in Order

Work out with friends or relatives who will deal with kids getting to and from school and activities. Make some casseroles ahead that can be frozen and eaten later. Dog walking, buying groceries, cleaning, and other tasks can all be assigned before treatments begin.

See Your Dentist

Before starting your first treatment, see your dentist to take care of any issue that could lead to an infection.

Plan to Relax

This may sound silly, but gather books, music, and other things that will help you relax just before treatments and during.

Dealing With Fatigue

In the past patients were told to get as much rest as possible. These guidelines have changed. Now, those suffering from fatigue are instructed to get some exercise or mild activity and do as much as they can. This can help not only with fatigue, but also decrease nausea and depression, while at the same time build muscle mass and increase your ability to do daily tasks.Ask your oncologist about your individual recommendations.

Nausea and Vomiting

Sorry to tell you, but even anticipation of a treatment can bring on nausea.Stock up on toast and crackers, yogurt, canned fruits, sherbet, pretzels, angel food cake and oatmeal. These can help.Practice eating foods at room temp or cooler. Drink beverages between meals instead of with.

Keep a List of Questions

As side effects vary based on the area being treated, ask South Carolina Oncology Associates about what you should especially be prepared for during your radiation treatment.Yes, radiation will be stressful, and there will be side effects immediately or some will come later. Being as prepared as you can be will help the time go faster and give you the confidence to get through it all. Contact South Carolina Oncology Associates at (803) 461-3000 for any additional tips to deal with radiation therapy side effects.