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Planning Travel Around Cancer Treatments

couple traveling.

It’s all about timing. We’ve heard this over the years, and it applies to a multitude of situations. Should I ask my boss for a raise this week? Should I propose to my girlfriend this holiday? Is now the time to take a vacation? All these answers depend on timing and whether the benefits outweigh the risks. Taking a vacation during cancer treatments is not out of the question, but take time to consider all pros and cons before planning travel around cancer treatments.

Talk With Your Oncology Team

The very first thing on your long list of preparations is to inform your oncologist that you wish to plan a vacation. Have some ideas in mind and run them by your doctor. Are you flying or driving? Is a long weekend getaway or a week at the beach? The kind of vacation, how you will get there, and what you will be doing are all crucial bits of info your doctor needs to know. Only then can you get a realistic assessment and more importantly, an honest answer. Be prepared that your doctor may say now is not a good time.

Ask about precautions, what meds you should have with you, what to watch out for, and when you can leave town.

Realistically, unless you have just had surgery or you are right in the middle of chemo, your doctor will probably say yes.

  • Jot down all the recommendations of what to bring.
  • Be vigilant about safety precautions.
  • Ask for a written medical clearance for travel.

Be Honest With Yourself

What kind of a vacation can you handle? You may want to sit on a beach by the Mediterranean, but do you feel comfortable taking such a long flight? You might want to see the historical sights in Philadelphia, but do you feel strong enough to do all the walking? 

What you need is the main question. Will a brief weekend away at the beach satisfy your craving for nature? Will a trip visiting an old friend be what you need? Consider all your options and think ahead to choose the safest and most fulfilling getaway.

Give Yourself Permission

If your oncologist says OK, then do it! Take advantage of anything that will give you a vacation from thinking about your cancer. Get revitalized, rejuvenated, recharged, refueled, and refreshed. This could be the best thing you can do for yourself and your health.

No guilt feelings allowed. Keeping your mind off cancer can help you cope when you return home.

Give yourself that gift. Bon voyage!

Contact South Carolina Oncology Associates at (803) 461-3000 if you are considering a vacation during cancer treatments.


Ready, Set, Go! Making Travel Plans When You Have Cancer | Fox Chase Cancer Center – Philadelphia PA

Tips: Travelling With Cancer (Can you still travel by plane?) | Outcomes4me

Travel and cancer | NHS inform

10 Tips for Traveling During Chemotherapy (verywellhealth.com)