Ring the Bell 5k Event - Saluda Shoals Park in Irmo - Saturday, May 3


woman eating a sandwich.

How to Manage Your Appetite Changes When Undergoing Chemotherapy

The side effects from chemotherapy are many and mostly unpleasant. Although it is a necessary evil, the goal of this treatment is to kill cancer cells. However, in doing so, your body is affected in many ways from hair loss, fatigue, nausea, painful swelling known as lymphedema, and changes to appetite, to name just a few.  » Read more about: How to Manage Your Appetite Changes When Undergoing Chemotherapy  »

How to Manage Your Appetite Changes When Undergoing Chemotherapy Read More »

Woman cooking with doctor.

Foods to Help With the Side Effects of Chemotherapy

If you are in the midst of chemotherapy as one of your cancer treatments or just beginning your first course, keeping up your strength and mitigating the side effects is preeminent. If someone is helping you with grocery shopping or you are still doing it yourself, you might want to refer to this article: foods to help with the side effects of chemotherapy.

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