Ring the Bell 5k Event - Saluda Shoals Park in Irmo - Saturday, May 3


7 Things To Do Prior To Cancer Treatment Beginning

Two women discussing cancer diagnosis.

Getting a cancer diagnosis is like a punch to the gut. This is especially true if you weren’t expecting this outcome. Once you have caught your breath, the inner you must begin to deal with what comes next. There will be treatment options and much to learn, but let’s start with 7 things to do prior to cancer treatment beginning.

Trust The Inner You

With everything that will be thrown your way, don’t let it divert you from trusting you. You are aware of your strengths and weaknesses. You will know what decisions to make that are best for you. You will listen, learn, and take one recommendation at a time.

Ask The Down And Dirty Questions

Your doctor and care team are there to provide the necessary information you need. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the worst and best case outcomes. You need to know what to expect to help you tackle each hurtle. Your professional prognosis is essential, so ask SCOA what they expect to happen and why.

Once you have that information, even if it is minimal, you can address other questions, digest them, and move on.

Do Your Homework

Read up on everything you can on your type of cancer. Do tons of research online and read from many sources. Study what to expect from your first type of treatment. Look up reputable sources like:

Then bring questions back to SCOA and get face-to-face answers.

Concentrate On Your Routine And Eat Well

Don’t let stress and anxiety make changes to your lifestyle. Keep your normal routine as best you can. Drive children to school or after school activities, fill your refrigerator with healthy fruits, veggies, and lean protein. Get enough sleep and exercise when you can. Both of these will help you as you begin treatments.

Let People Help

Friends and relatives who love you will want to help. Let them. Ask for specific help with children, preparing meals, keeping up with the laundry, or walking the dog. This will eliminate one more worry on your plate.

Find A Support Person

Ask your doctor or care team to put you in touch with someone who has just gone through what you are about to undertake. This person can become your mentor, resource, and counselor.


Fill your time with things you love like reading, watching movies, games with your children, playing with your dog, knitting, or writing. Be yourself throughout this journey.

Contact SCOA at (803) 461-3000 for additional recommendations and things to do prior to cancer treatment beginning.