Financial Services
Paying medical bills should take as little time as possible and that is why we offer Online Bill Pay so you can take care of business at a convenient time for you during your busy day.
View and Pay Medical Bills Online
We have transitioned to a new payment platform as of 3/1/2023. During this transition, you may have received different colored statements. Please select the image below that matches the statement you received. Please contact our billing department at (803) 461-3000 if you have any questions.
Select The Image Below That Matches Your Statement Color
Billing & Insurance
Figuring out payment billing and insurance can be confusing. At SCOA, we recognize this and provide telephone customer service representatives who care about helping you and your family with financial questions.
If you would like to speak with someone directly about:
- Itemized listing of your bill
- Explanation of your bill specifics
- What your insurance paid and what is due
Please contact us at (803)-461-3000 for assistance.