MySCOA Guide Book

Chemotherapy Coping Guide for Patients

Every patient experiences chemotherapy differently, both physically and emotionally. Each patient reacts differently to the side effects of chemotherapy, and the side effects can vary based on the type of chemotherapy drugs used. Please keep your care team at SCOA informed about your experience so that we can address any concerns and enhance your comfort.


Drink at least 64 oz., or the equivalent of four 16 oz bottles of liquid, every day. Staying hydrated is extremely important. Please use caffeine in moderation.


Eat! A well-balanced diet is best. Most patients do better with small frequent meals. If necessary, drink Boost, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast. This is NOT the time to lose weight. A high protein diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is best.


If you have a fever of 100.5 or higher, or if you have signs of infection, call our office. To help prevent infection, avoid crowds, wash your hands frequently, practice good hygienic habits and stay away from others who are sick.


You may take Imodium A-D as directed on box unless told otherwise by your provider. Call our clinic if you are not better in 24 hours.


You may take over-the-counter stool softener such as Colace or natural laxative such as Senokot. You may add Miralax if needed.

Oral Care

Use a soft toothbrush. Do not use mouthwashes that contain alcohol as this can make mouth irritations worse. Regular dental checkups are recommended.

Mouth Soreness

Mix one-half tsp of salt and one-half tsp of baking soda in one-half glass warm water. Rinse frequently. If not relieved, call our clinic.


No aspirin or aspirin-containing medications without checking with your Oncologist first.


Staying active helps with fatigue and general overall well-being. Keep as active as you can. Rest in between periods of activity. NO overtiring. Do fun things.

Birth Control

Practice birth control if you are childbearing age. If you have questions regarding sexual activity, ask your Oncologist or nurse. Talk with your Oncologist about fertility issues or questions regarding having children in the future.


Limit your alcohol consumption since it can increase your bleeding time. Check with your Oncologist regarding how much alcohol consumption is allowed.


Get your rest. Sleep is very important during this time.

Herbals and Vitamins

Be sure to let your Oncologist know all prescriptions and non-prescription pills that you are taking. Some of these could negatively interact with chemotherapy drugs.

Skin Care

Use moisturizers after your shower and at bedtime. Avoid excessively hot baths or showers. Use sunscreen and stay out of the sun when possible.

Surround yourself with supportive people.

Talk about your concerns with family and friends.

Put yourself first during this time.

Say NO politely when asked to do something you are not able to do. Let others assist you. It is okay to let people know what they can do to help you.