
What's New at South Carolina Oncology Associates

Radiation oncology.

Preparing Yourself for Radiation Therapy Side Effects

Most people will admit that they like to be prepared for whatever they are about to encounter. Knowing what to expect reduces anxiety and let’s face it, fear. Radiation therapy is certainly no exception and is something you should be thoroughly informed about before it begins.

South Carolina Oncology Associates Now Serving Sumter, SC

South Carolina Oncology Associates Enters the Sumter, SC Market and Honors Dr. William Kellogg for his Service and Retirement

South Carolina Oncology Associates (SCOA) proudly announces its expansion into the healthcare community of Sumter,

colon cancer.

What to Do After a Colon Cancer Diagnosis

What to do after a colon cancer diagnosis isn’t anything most of us prepare for. The first reaction might be to sit down and take a deep breath. There is much you need to know,

Genetic testing.

Is Genetic Counseling Right for Me? A Guide

Some patients are referred to genetic counselors before they consider genetic testing. That might be the ultimate goal of the referral, but the patient makes their own decision about proceeding. There are multiple reasons for someone to undergo genetic testing,

Man wearing prostate cancer ribbon.

Am I at High Risk for Prostate Cancer?

Am I at high risk for prostate cancer? This is a question many middle-aged men ask their urologists. You know it’s out there, and wonder if you are one of the unfortunate men who will get it.

SC Oncology Closure Notice

All offices and departments for SC Oncology will be closed on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 due to weather.